I got my period. Do I need to reschedule my appointment?

You only need to reschedule your appointment if you are expecting to get a Pap smear (e.g. at some annual exams) and your flow is moderate to heavy since blood can interfere with the Pap specimen.
What kinds of contraception do you offer?

We offer a range of contraceptive care including birth control pills progesterone-only pills, patches, vaginal rings, injections, implants, hormonal as well as hormone-free intrauterine devices (IUDs), and female sterilization (surgery to “tie your tubes”).
Do you offer abortion services?

We do not offer elective (not medically necessary) abortion services. We refer patients to Planned Parenthood for their abortion care needs.
What tests are necessary during pregnancy according to Dr. Tran?

While it's important to know that all screening tests are optional, Dr. Tran strongly suggests considering them within specific timeframes. These tests include: 1. First-trimester blood test at around 8 weeks.
2. NT (nuchal translucency) screening at 12-13 6/7 weeks.
3. Second-trimester blood test at 15-18 weeks.
4. Fetal anatomy ultrasound at 18-21 weeks. Additionally, you'll need an OB panel (blood test) early in your pregnancy, a Glucola test around 24-28 weeks, and a GBS vaginal culture at 35-37 weeks. If any of the screening tests yield abnormal results, Dr. Tran will discuss and offer further diagnostic tests as needed. Your health and your baby's well-being are our top priorities.
Do we offer Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section (VBAC)?

Dr. Tran is happy to discuss the option of a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) with those who are interested. Just remember to bring along your medical records from your previous cesarean section if Dr. Tran wasn't the one who delivered your baby.
Do you offer trial of labor after Cesarean (TOLAC)/vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC)?

In general, we do not offer TOLAC to patients who have had a prior Cesarean. Instead, we recommend repeat Cesarean delivery. However, exceptions may be made if a patient has had prior successful VBACs before. Talk to your doctor to see if you qualify.
What is the timing for Dr. Tran to conduct a repeat cesarean section?

Dr. Tran usually aims to schedule a repeat cesarean section about a week before your confirmed due date, but if any medical complications arise or you happen to go into labor earlier, she may need to adjust the timing.